The Ultimate Guide to Caring for the Zanzibar Gem

The Ultimate Guide to Caring for the Zanzibar Gem

The Ultimate Guide to Caring for the Zanzibar Gem

The Zanzibar Gem, scientifically named Zamioculcas zamiifolia and commonly known as the "ZZ Plant," is a must-have for houseplant enthusiasts in the UK. Native to the dry, sun-drenched grasslands of Eastern Africa—including Kenya, Tanzania, and Zanzibar—this plant is as tough as it is beautiful. Its glossy, rich green leaves and remarkable resilience make it one of the easiest houseplants to care for, no matter your level of gardening expertise.

The ZZ Plant isn't just about looking good—it's built to last. Thanks to its rhizomes (underground tuber-like structures), the plant can store water for weeks, making it the ultimate low-maintenance choice. Whether your home is a cosy cottage or a modern flat, this plant's elegant appearance and practicality make it a fantastic addition to any interior.

General Care for the Zanzibar Gem


The ZZ Plant is one of the most versatile houseplants when it comes to lighting. It thrives in bright, indirect light but also handles low-light conditions like a pro, making it perfect for UK homes, where sunlight can often be in short supply. Avoid direct sunlight, though—it can scorch the leaves and ruin their glossy finish.


This plant thrives on neglect when it comes to watering. Its rhizomes act as water reservoirs, so you only need to water it when the top 2-3 inches of soil feel dry—typically every 2-4 weeks, depending on the season. Overwatering is the ZZ Plant's kryptonite, so err on the side of caution and let the soil dry out completely before watering again.


The ZZ Plant is unfussy about humidity, making it ideal for UK homes with central heating. It doesn't require misting, even during the drier winter months. However, if you notice the leaves looking a bit dull, placing it near a humidifier or in a naturally humid room like the bathroom can help restore its sheen.


A well-draining soil mix is vital for this plant's health. A succulent or cacti mix works best, as it allows water to flow through freely. Always pot your Zanzibar Gem in a container with drainage holes to avoid soggy soil, which can lead to root rot.

Indoors or Outdoors?

The Zanzibar Gem is predominantly an indoor plant in the UK, as it thrives in consistent, warm temperatures. However, during the warmer months, it can live outdoors in a shaded, sheltered spot. Just make sure to bring it indoors before temperatures drop below 10°C.

Common Problems and Solutions

Yellowing Leaves

Cause: Overwatering.

Solution: Allow the soil to dry completely before watering again. If root rot has set in, repot the plant in fresh soil and remove any affected roots.

Drooping Stems

Cause: Underwatering or too much direct sunlight.

Solution: Check the soil and water if it's bone dry. Move the plant to a spot with indirect light.

Brown Tips

Cause: Irregular watering or low humidity.

Solution: Ensure consistent watering and, if needed, add a humidifier to your home during dry months.


Cause: Mealybugs or spider mites.

Solution: Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or apply a natural insecticidal soap to keep pests at bay.

Fun Facts About the Zanzibar Gem

Top Air Purifier

The ZZ Plant is on NASA's list of air-purifying plants, making it a great choice for cleaner indoor air.

Naturally Glossy

Those shiny leaves don't need any polish—they're naturally glossy, giving the plant a perpetual "freshly cleaned" look.

Thrives on Neglect

Forget to water it for weeks? No problem! This plant is practically indestructible, making it a favourite for busy plant lovers.

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